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Revision as of 14:53, 16 May 2012 by Dye (Talk | contribs)

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People love hats

People always bend down

People like having time to change poses in between shots

People like to do group shots

People will use their point and shoot to duplicate shot

Beads gets tangled like crazy

People will intuitively adjust the booth for kids

Booth may need to be readjusted for adults

Omni wheels are very mobile

Omni wheels are a risk on slopes

Built in wheels are crazy maneuverable

The wide top profile of the booth prevents tripping

Photography backgrounds are trip hazard

We need more box access The knobs that secure the camera are hard to reach and because of that they take a long time to tighten. Requires patience. The hand holding up the camera fatigues quickly, while the camera is secured in place.

We are the only booth for kids and adults

We need a battery charge plug

We need Wheels that are easy to pull up stairs

Tripods are trip hazard

Prints aren't needed if shots are viewed

Wedding album photo booth

Guest book photo booth

Standup booths never fit kids

Intuitive non denomination button.

Eye catching design

low noise

Djs are too loud

Booth is too loud

Wide angle display

Color matching display

Adjustable all the things

Polyethylene diffuser

Photobooth was almost toppled over during the wedding when a drunk adult poked the start button with a lot of force.

Posing in front of the photobooth, you can't tell that the camera inside is angled upward.

When taking their first photo of the night, most people assumed the camera is pointing straight forward.

Autofocus on the Nikon D50 was unable to focus on a guy standing backwards, wearing an all black suit.

The Nikon D50 will abort taking a picture if it cannot focus.

It will be beneficial to add a mechanism so that booths can climb stairs easier, like a PE slider